Researchers estimate that 31% of adults may experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. While stress and anxiety may be unavoidable, there are effective ways to self-soothe and manage your anxiety.
Anxiety is a feeling of worry, fear, or concern about an event with an uncertain outcome. It can be accompanied by various physical manifestations. Although anxiety is a natural reaction to many situations, it can become excessive.
Common symptoms of anxiety include trouble falling or staying asleep, difficulty concentrating, feeling tense, irritable, or restless; one becomes easily fatigued or weak.
If you allow anxiety to build up, the above symptoms can become even more severe. It can also affect relationships with your partner, family, and friends, and interfere with your work. To cope with anxiety, try one or more of the following calming exercises.
Excessive worry is a symptom of anxiety.
The “anxiety jar” exercise helps you get away from anxiety by acknowledging your thoughts and then giving them distance. Close your eyes and imagine the following:
This exercise can be done with guided imagery or with a pen, paper, and an empty jar. Physically putting the closed jar of worries aside symbolizes controlling your reaction to them and letting them go.
Also read: 7 Best Woocommerce Plugins to boost your Store you must knowPositive affirmations are short, powerful statements that help you challenge your negative thoughts. Affirmations boost self-confidence and help you focus on the positives. It takes practice, but over time you will notice positive changes. Start by choosing an affirmation that you would like to focus on, such as:
Repeat your affirmation slowly five to 10 times, allowing yourself to really feel and internalize the message. Breathe deeply between each repetition to connect even more with your body at the moment.
This is a great moment to relax before an important event such as an exam, so if you’re a student definitely try it. If doubts continue to bother you, you can always turn to the custom essays service and save yourself from excessive worrying.
Keeping a diary will help you process your thoughts and feelings and allow you to see them from a new perspective. There are different ways to diary. Experiment, changing your approach to journaling if necessary, to keep you motivated.
This calming technique is especially effective when you feel stress and anxiety building up or intensifying. Here are some ways to physically ground yourself:
When we are anxious, our breathing becomes frequent and shallow, which deprives our body of essential oxygen.
Box breathing is a simple breathing exercise that you can do at any time. It gets its name because it consists of four equal parts: exhale while counting to four, hold your lungs empty for four counts, inhale for four counts, hold air for four counts, then exhale again before repeating.
If you are experiencing constant anxiety, you are not alone. Remember hormones play a big role in your mental health. Find where to get blood work near you to know if there’s any hormonal imbalances. The above coping strategies can help curb excessive anxiety, but if you find that you can’t cope with your anxiety, seek help from a therapist. Together, you can identify some of your common triggers for anxiety and develop healthy ways to deal with it.
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