How To Carry Out A Software Development Risk Assessment

How To Carry Out A Software Development Risk Assessment

by Micah James — 1 year ago in Development 2 min. read

Life is all about taking risks. In fact, risk is a crucial aspect of business operations. Nevertheless, you should never ignore the threats associated with the risks you are about to take. This is more important in software development risk assessment, as it may cause more irreversible damage than reward. This article will discuss the steps involved in this risk assessment.

4 Steps to Perform Risk Assessments for Software Development

Step 1: Risk Identification

The first step in software development risk assessment always identifying and analyzing the risks involved in your software project. This is as simple as establishing the problems before they happen and developing strategies for dealing with them. While checking out the risks, you must prioritize them and know the ones most likely to cause the biggest damage.

Step 2: Analyse the Risks at Hand

Once you know the risks you are dealing with, your next step is analyzing the type of risks you are dealing with. Some risks are more severe than others in the way that they will impact the project. They will all fall under the six categories:

  • Technology Risks
  • People Risks
  • Organizational Risks
  • Requirement Risks
  • Tools Risks
  • Estimation risks

For example, if the risks are directly linked to the members of the software development project, then they will be people risks. If they are linked to the estimates of the resources needed for the software, they will be underestimation risks. This analysis should report the biggest and the smallest risks. It helps you know how much preparedness you need.

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Step 3: Plan Adequate Risk Responses

Now that you know the risks involved, you must develop efficient responses. With the list of risks, from the biggest to the smallest, the project manager must come up with a plan to monitor and note them down when they occur. The response program must also clearly state the steps the team must take in case the risks arise. While this can only be authorized by the project manager, you can also utilize programs such as the enterprise architect program. It will help you know the current state of your team and find ways to accelerate any IT enhancements.

Step 4: Manage the Risks

In risk assessment, the job doesn’t stop at identification. Since you have a list of all the risks, you will know how much each affects the project. Know how it will impact the budget, scope of work, and schedule. You also have the risk responses already set out. With the project manager monitoring the project for any changes, they should report anything that comes up. In the event that a risk is actualized, they should employ the set risk responses to neutralize the risks.


Risk assessment for software development is a broad topic. Whether you are the project leader or working in the software development team, knowing the steps for risk assessment is crucial. This is because you will be working with systems and software and need to know the potential risks associated with everyone you use. With risk responses set and a team monitoring any changes, you stand a better chance at salvaging the situation.

Micah James

Micah is SEO Manager of The Next Tech. When he is in office then love to his role and apart from this he loves to coffee when he gets free. He loves to play soccer and reading comics.

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