5 Key Challenges In Enterprise Software Development For CIOs

5 Key Challenges in Enterprise Software Development for CIOs in 2020

by Vicky ciky — 5 years ago in Development 4 min. read

The presence of momentary changes observed in the dynamics between economy and technology is vastly challenging CIO’s to meet up to the enterprise demands through applying sheer innovation.

One of the primitive challenge that happens to be is introducing technology that is mostly viable for an enterprise and draws its leaders to leverage the software technology and thus improve efficiency and performance to business.

In another scenario, with enterprises already using a conventional technology and when its processes and employees are expanding greatly then it ought to be needing a newer technology before its business becomes outdated.

Apart from these challenges CIO’s are thinking about implementing a robust enterprise software that will have the IT Systems and Enterprises be always connected without any persistent problems.

Beyond doubts the enterprise software should be in need for SMEs and Corporates that poses approximately 10.5% exponential growth in the software segment of all the IT Industries.

Therefore CIO’s have to rely majorly on innovative technology, consulting and software developments for deriving the best out of any enterprise business.

In order to maintain the enterprise progressions all the IT systems should be installed with powerful software for designating tasks to all the employees and motivate them to accomplish it quite effectively.

While CIO’s take the responsibility for making the digital enterprise transformation in business there are a list of 5 mind-blowing challenges that is least likely addressed within them simply due to their enterprise complexity.

5 Key Challenges in Enterprise Software Development for CIOs

1. Building Enterprise App without affecting cost

Most part of consumer apps focuses on enticing customers with a simpler user interface that would give users an indelible experience and an irresistible urge to return time and again.

Generally building an enterprise app works sophisticatedly based on the form over function procedures that would offer many new features with engaging elements built-in.

However, what CIO’s have to know is if these features would result in producing a new design and reduce the potential cost. Moreover the power of this enterprise value should permit the seamless integrations of IT Systems and Accessories.

Essentially all that an employee would expect from an enterprise system software is the immersive and engaging responses that fits perfectly to the job nature and enable adoption of other enterprise software’s within the organization realms. Thus built enterprise apps should result in enhancing overall productivity and better efficiency then simply staying interconnect with co-workers.

2. Long run Enterprise Systems

The study and practise of establishing custom apps in the enterprise proves that it is indeed difficult to maintain connectivity on the long run. Enterprise software and systems are typically used to increase organizational productivity and performance without escalating on cost parameters over a definite timeline.

The ROI for enterprise software is achieved through a prolonged practise before reaching the business goals.

In addition, it requires new employees to be trained with the enterprise software and accustom them to use the IT infrastructure freely across multiple processes in the organization.

Getting the enterprise to run using the custom software development services is a costly affair that organizations have to bear in mind against coping with off-the-self software.
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3. Selecting Enterprise Software over Off-the-Shelf Software

If the enterprise demands for fewer functions to be added and mandates only to resolve the simple inefficiencies like mobility feature then most certainly any CIO can go for Off-the-Shelf Software’s. In reality they also have some drawbacks in enterprises.

  • It has redundant built-in features that cannot be used in organizations
  • Off-the-shelf enterprise software needs the formulation for utilizing every single functions that comes integrated to the software

Definitely off-the-shelf enterprise software necessitates the customization capabilities with additional hardware and thus producing the optimum levels of productivity for employees.

In the alternate way when selecting the custom enterprise software it can offer certain advantages and they are:

  • Easy select a list of features to be added to the enterprise software and make it reliably present within the enterprise environment
  • Get the best security layers for maintaining the enterprise system readily available among individual employees

The only concern with developing custom enterprise systems is the actual time it takes for building, testing and deploying systems which limits to affordable cost expenditures.

4. Synchronize multiple custom app to IT Enterprise

Businesses usually face the difficulties occurring when adopting to innovative enterprise software’s since many of them are inefficient at linking operational units to the IT Enterprises.

Also, there is a dearth in identifying skilled IT employees who can synchronize custom app and business processes together. In the end custom enterprise software requires for the installation to be done across all functionaries belonging to a business for achieving productivity.

The success of enterprise software is estimated through its easy integration of custom apps that adheres to a single dedicated medium for obtaining the far and wide access.

In every circumstances businesses do not prefer working across multiple channels in the lack of an enterprise software and manage with the cumbersome task of recruitment, accounting, payroll etc.
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5. Setting Priorities for Enterprise Systems

For the most part of CIOs decisions it is with setting priorities for enterprise happens to be the real challenge that actually rely. Initially, if the enterprise software is configured with right priorities then maintaining the enterprise connectivity becomes far more realizable and sustainable.

Resulting which the businesses can mould the shape of a project and standardize efficiency and productivity enormously.

If the need arise for CIO’s to report to the Chief Financial Officer then it can be simply concluded that cutting cost in developing enterprise software is the priority. On the other hand, if the CIO’s have to be meeting with Chief Executive Officer then the scope of enterprise software is multi-folds and greatly functional across different IT Systems.

In the recent survey conducted by Deloitte it reasons that many of the business owners and CEO’s are taking primitive steps to adopt custom enterprise software for their company which accounts to 46% of CIO’s being constantly engaged in upgrading the IT Infrastructure.

In the future, this kind of priority raised from the CEO’s desk will become a common trend for the CIO’s to oblige contentedly through implementing enterprise software’s across functions practised in enterprises.


These are the most prominent enterprise challenges that will certainly justify the need for developing cost efficient enterprise apps and integrate business processes for a Start-up Companies to accomplish enterprise mobility.

The demand for CIO’s should gradually increase and eventually that should keep them always engaged in the enterprise software developments prevailing among the many IT Companies and Businesses.

Vicky ciky

Hey there, I’m vigneshwaran. I’m a Digital Marketing Strategist at W2S Solutions, Which is a leading Mobile app development company. An enthusiastic blogger and writer having keen interest towards mobile and web development technologies, startup ideas and strategies.

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