Auto Clicker For Chromebook - How To Download?

All About Auto Clicker For Chromebook: How To Download, Install, and Use, Its Benefits and Much More!

by Bharat Kumar — 6 months ago in Review 6 min. read

If you use Chrome often and are tired of manual clicking, try an auto clicker for Chromebook.

Auto clicker is an automated clicking function that enables auto clicks when the mouse cursor is either disabled or ideal.

It was first available for Chromebook devices and its users that prevail masses of sales for such a reason.

At present, Chromebook browser also supports auto clicks and can be easily enabled from the settings menu.

There are several ways to enable auto clicks, through the use of apps or extensions.

And that is exactly what we are going to discover.

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Introduction To Auto Clicker for Chromebook

Indeed, having a device that supports Chrome OS™ enables users to use various automated functions that can improve productivity.

For example, if you like creating digital art on Chromebook, you may click a lot (and that means a lot) which can eat up a lot of time. Enabling auto clicker may help reduce times and let you finish your job faster.

In addition to this, when you enable auto clicker on Chromebook, you can dramatically increase your CPS rate and establish an unmatched clicking speed.

It is simple that automated clicking gives you an unmatched speed that is not achievable by clicking on the mouse manually.

Also, automated clicking gives you an edge advantage when the mouse stops clicking due to unresponsive reason. Auto clickers can be very helpful in games. It can streamline your gameplay, achieve gaming objectives faster, and level up effortlessly.

Why Do We Need The Auto Clicker For Chromebook?

Chromebook is best known for its vital convenience and comfort to users. It has offered many productive tools and features like auto clickers that make the job of repeated mouse-clicking automated.

Although the objective of using auto clicker for Chromebook is to provide users with faster, no-waiting, and quick auto clicking than manual clicks.

Some of the best use case of auto clicker for Chromebook:

  • Widely helpful in games, like from building blocks in Minecraft to continuously shooting in World of Warcraft. Manual clicking may be tiresome, auto clicking gives you brisk speed clicking without touching the mouse.
  • IT guys also take advantage of auto clickers. A few random automatic clicks may help them to encounter new features, fast testing, and quality checks of the program.
  • Tasks where data is imputed on a regular basis, an auto clicker will aid you to shift from one cell to another in a faster manner.
  • In browsing, the auto clicker automatically refreshes the web pages you are using. It is also helpful for shooting emails, links, or more where manual clicking is required at most.

Benefits Of Auto Clicker For Chromebook

There are several advantages of utilizing auto clickers for gaming, data entry, marketing, and ideal browsing. Following are additional benefits and why you should use an auto clicker for Chromebook.

  • Many of them are free to install and never require updates.
  • Auto clickers can be easily found on the internet or web store.
  • These tools are multipurpose and flexible with most applications, even with the web pages.
  • Most auto clickers are easy to use and have less learning curve. Hence, it is perfect for new users.

Ways To Download An Auto Clicker For Chromebook

As I explored every possible method for downloading and installing an auto clicker for Chromebook. There are only two possible ways mentioned below.

Way 1: Enable the In-Built Auto Clicker for Chromebook

Chromebook devices come with in-built auto clicker features. To access it you need to find it and enable it.

Follow these steps to enable auto clicker in Chromebook devices.

1. Select “Time” or press and hold “Alt + Shift + s” from your keyboard.

2. Open “Settings” and then click on “Advanced”.

3. From the “Accessibility” option and choose “Manage accessibility” features.

4. Explore the option of “Mouse and touchpad”, select “Automatically click” when the mouse cursor stops.

5. That’s done. But you can also customize your automatic click settings.

Customizing your auto clicking is completely optional but gives you extra features.

Delay before click: Choose how long your Chromebook waits before clicking on its own.

Stabilize click location: Keep the click area in one spot until you move your mouse cursor out of it.

Revert to left-click after action: Switch back to left-click automatically after doing something like right-clicking or double-clicking.

Movement threshold: Adjust the size of the area where clicks are recognized, based on how far you move your cursor.


How To Use Different Types Of Clicks?

Frist, choose an action from the menu

Left-click ⬉
Right-click ⬈
Double-click ↟
Click and drag ⚨
Scroll ✥
Toggle menu position ⚁

Second, Point to where you want to perform the action.

Click on pause and select no action to stop performing automated clicking.

Way 2: Use Auto Clicker for your Chromebook Browser

The second method to use the auto clicker requires an updated Chromebook. If you use Chromebook for web searches, follow the steps to enable auto clicker.

Step 1: Open your Chrome browser settings by clicking the three dots in the top-right corner of the screen.

Setting Menu Of Chromebook

Step 2: Click on “Advanced” in the left menu to see more options.

Advance Menu of Chromebook


Step 3: Select the “Accessibility” option.

Accessibility Option of Advance Chrome Settings

Step 4: Click on “Manage Accessibility Features”

Go To Manage Accessibility Features

Step 5: Now, from the “Accessibility” menu, select the “Mouse and Touchpad” setting.

Step 6: From here toggle the switch for an option called “Automatic Clicking when the mouse pointer stops”, to enable it.

Enable Automatically click when the cursor stops option

Step 7: Once you enable this feature, a ring will show up next to your cursor. If your cursor stays still for a while, the auto-clicker will start clicking automatically.

The Functioning of Auto Clicker for Chromebook

Basically you will note four functions of auto clickers for Chromebook. Each function has its own set of parameters and working program.

1. Delay before click

DBC in short represents the time gap between the mouse cursor stopping and automatic clicks for completing the task.

Users can customize delay action by selecting from the dropdown options. The range lies between 0.6 to 4 seconds.

2. Stabilize click location

This option will make your ring stabilized which means it won’t move unless you will purposely move it out of the cursor.

This feature is ideal when streaming or watching videos online for long hours.

3. Movement threshold

This feature indicates the mobility portion of the cursor. In simple terms, you can determine how far your cursor will be moved before pausing and from where the automatic clicking will start.

There are options like extra small, small, large, default, and extra large. Choose the appropriate one as per your comfort.

4. Always Revert to left-click

After every successful action, the click action will explicitly shift to left-click. However, you can change it to different actions.

Users have the choice to select from the following:

  • Right-click,
  • Double-click,
  • Scroll,
  • Clicking and dragging,
  • Pause,
  • And toggle menu position

You can also customize mouse cursor functionality. Go to the menu and click on the “scroll” option. Select the arrow(s) pointing to a different direction.


Auto clicker is helpful in certain arenas such as gaming and professions where the act of repetitive mouse-clicking is required, effectively.

Automated clicking also helps saving time. As it speeds up the task completion, users can focus on other things while letting the auto clicker do its job.

Give a try some of the best auto clickers for Chromebook.

👉 Auto Clicker (Visit)
👉 Easy Auto Clicker (Visit)

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best auto clicker for Chromebook?

Available on Chrome Web Store, Auto Clicker with an average rating of 3.6 stars it is the best auto clicker as of now.

What is the fastest auto clicker for Chromebook?

For chromebook users, the in-built default auto clicker is ideal and fast for getting rid from repetitive mouse-clicking tasks.

How to get an auto clicker for Chromebook?

There are two ways to get an auto clicker. Purchase Chromebook devices such as Chrome OS laptops or enable auto clicker from Chrome browser settings menu.

How to download an auto clicker on Chromebook?

Go to the Chrome browser extension store. Search for an auto clicker and download the best auto clicker on Chromebook.

Where can I find an auto clicker for Chromebook?

Chrome Web Store is perfect for installing auto clickers on desktop and mobile.

Bharat Kumar

Bharat is an editor and writer at The Next Tech. He focuses on sharing industry-first tech news and potential how-to(s) guides for a broad range of categories. Outside of his work, he received a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, with a multitude of education certificates. He’s always up to learn new things, and a die-hard fan of Call of Duty Saga(s).

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